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Contemporary Artspace
London 1997-2000



Margi Geerlinks, Erwin Olaf, Sveinn Fannar Johannsson, Maslen & Mehra,
Tim White-Sobieski, Lukas Maximilian Hüller, Daniel & Geo Fuchs, Liza Nguyen, Denise Marika, JH Engström, and Michael Ackermann

Galerie Caprice Horn Berlin are pleased to present the group exhibition Refraction within the frame of the EUROPEAN MONTH OF PHOTOGRAPHY which is taking place throughout November in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Bratislava, Luxembourg, Moscow and Rome.

The photographic works of the exhibition are all concerned with the technical and emotional fracture occurring between the individual and his surroundings. Daniel & Geo Fuchs approach extreme personal situations, which others would prefer to avoid. Their series "Conserving" portrays life-in-death with objects from scientific collections. Lukas Maximilian Hüller, on the other hand, makes an appeal to human conscience and thematizes in an innovative manner the Seven Deadly Sins with reference to Hieronymus Bosch's depiction of these transgressions in the form of a circular table.

In the works of Maslen & Mehra, Californian and Australian landscapes are reflected in the human beings themselves. An effect created by placing mirror sculptures of people in different contexts and photographing them. The staging of living dream- sequences by Sveinn Fannar Johannsson makes the unusual behaviour of his figures seem almost familiar. In the works of the Dutchwoman Margi Geerlinks, the individual creates a personal and utterly new world. In the artistic perspective of Erwin Olaf, the search for identity by the naked astral body culminates in the purchase of designer articles intended to strengthen the ego.

Liza Nguyen has created a quite personal portrait of her deceased father with the series "My father." JH Engström continues the work of his teacher Anders Petersen and thematizes the deep desire for life, where as Michael Ackermann, with his black-and- white pictures of Poland, transcends the border between painting and photography. As the sole artist working from behind a video camera, Denise Marika depicts in her "Video Sculptures" the refraction of light upon moving nude figures.